Saturday, September 14, 2019

Progress Reports and More!

Week of 9/16

Hi parents,

Thank you to all parents who attended OPEN HOUSE!

This week, we will discuss how recounting events in a story, in the order they happened, help us better understand what we are reading.  Your student will use their knowledge of characters' traits, motivations, feelings, and actions while telling about a story.

Here are some guiding questions you can use at home when your child is reading their chapter book:


Upcoming events:

Progress reports come home this Monday. 

Also, Friday Folders were sent home on Friday.  Please review all of your students work, initial each paper, sign the WEEK 4 Box, and return folders will ALL work on Monday.

Monday, February 23rd is our Field Trip to the UNF Nature Trail.  Please send a BAG LUNCH (no lunchboxes or plastic containers, please) with your student if indicated on their permission slip!